Saturday, June 24, 2006

Dylan and I are on the move!

Hi All!

Tomorrow Dylan and I are off on our big road trip. First stop tomorrow night is Jacksonville, Florida. Then off to Charleston, South Carolina for 3 days. From Charleston we will make our way back down south to Savannah, Georgia. We will only get to see the sights of Savannah for a day and a half as we will have to make our way back down to St. Petersburg, Florida to pick up Jackson from his trip. Can you believe that his 20 day trip is almost up?

Oh well, I had better go and pack....AGAIN.

By the way, St. Pete is awesome. We even got to see a Devil Rays Baseball game. The biggest news is that the Devil Rays won....Yeah, Go Rays!!!!! Dylan even got a ball from the game. It was just a great night.

Talk to you after the big road trip. BYE!!!


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