Friday, June 09, 2006

We finally made it to the USA!

Hi everyone!

Well what a trip we had back to Florida. First off, we had to sit on the plane for 3 hours before we were able to take off due to a really bad lightning storm. Then, that made us miss our connection from Chicago to Tampa. So instead of arriving into Tampa at 8pm, we arrived at 12.30am the next day. Then one of our bags did not arrive with us. Of course this was the bag that I threw my really important stuff in and all of Dylan's clothes. So we were stuck at the airport dealing with that. Then to top it all off we were delayed at the car rental place. So by the time we got to the condo we had been traveling for about 26 hours.

Next at the condo we didn't have any air-conditioning. Boy, I think the storm followed us from Hong Kong.

Update....Air-conditioner fixed today....Bag was returned yesterday with all of my really important stuff gone.....But even with all of those things we are definitely glad to be in our little place in paradise on the water.

St. Pete has sure gone up market since I left a year ago. I found a fantastic Italian restaurant that I can't wait to take Wayne too. Tony, it is a restaurant that you would really like, so I can't wait to take you to it as well.

Last Tuesday night I was the guest of honor at a surprise birthday dinner. It was wonderful to catch up with my friends that I hadn't seen since last October. Thanks Amy for organizing the night. You’re the best!

This weekend Jackson will be taking off with his delegation to go to Australia and New Zealand. I know he will have a wonderful time. I also know that I will miss him terribly. I think this will be a wonderful time for him to gain a lot of self-confidence.

Anyway, I miss my friends in Hong Kong, but I am so glad to see my friends in US.

Till we meet again. x


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