Saturday, April 22, 2006

Wayne's Big 4-0 Birthday Bash!

Well can you believe that Wayne has finally made it to the big 4-0!

What a night we all had. The dinner took place on the 41st floor of the HSBC Main Building here in Hong Kong. It was wonderful to see and meet so many nice people that Wayne works with. It was an eclectic bunch of people. We had the Cricketers, the Managers, the Bosses and the Tourists. The meal was a magnificent buffet with the light show of Hong Kong going on behind us. Actually, I think we were part of the light show. It was just magical.

My dad and Loretta have been spending some time with us. They came especially for the big event. Alas, the time has come for them to say goodbye. Dad made promises of a return visit to see the Rugby 7’s here next year. Let’s see if he makes it over again. We can only hope he does.

Till the next main advent on the calendar…



At 7:51 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Wayne-o! Sam, you put on a heck of a shindig. The food, the atmosphere, the view, the people... very cool. Thanks so much for having us. Jean and I had a fantastic time.

At 4:59 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

So sorry I missed the event. It looks incredible and so many smiling faces. Great to see the pictures and really happy to see "Dad" again. Take care, Amy

At 8:36 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

(Wayne...don`t read until your actually birthday). Happy Birthday Wayne-ooh.

Sam, I`m sure the pictures will show up in Hello or OK magazine as it was a great party! What about a picture of the hosts?

Tanja and I had a great time, thanks for the invite.



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