Sunday, April 02, 2006

Cricket 6's

Well hi everyone! I know it has been a long time coming but here it is....Wayne playing cricket at the Kowloon Cricket Club in the Hong Kong Cricket 6's competition. A great time was had by all. They fed us and quenched our thirsts all weekend. Then late on Sunday night they had the presentations and a dinner gala. It was fantastic!

Wayne had a very good couple of days out there on the cricket pitch. In one over he bowled a guy and then participated in 2 run outs. He was even scouted by the Kowloon Cricket Club to come and play for them. He is looking into that as we speak. I think it will be good for him, and also good for us. He will have to stay in town more often if he is on a team......So you can gather I am all for him playing with the KCC.


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