Wednesday, March 15, 2006

A Quick Note!

Just a quick note for this week. Jackson and I have been sick with the lurgy. So as you can imagine not a happy or hygenic home this past week.

But on a good note, Dylan was awesome at Ice Hockey last night. He might not be the next Wayne Gretzy, but at least we know that he is a true Canadian with hockey running through his veins. He skated on one foot from one end of the rink to the other last night. He was on fire. I just wish I had Wayne's camera with me so I could have got some shots of him. Maybe that is something I should ask my family for for my birthday this year...a camera of my very own. Especially if I am going to keep updating this blog. Good arguement don't you think?

Jackson is back to school tomorrow and I am off to my painting class.

We are counting down to Phuket....7 sleeps to go!

Love to you all.



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