Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Franz Ferdinand Rocked on Valentine's Day!

Well today was Valentine's Day. Boy did I get spoilt with the most beautiful orchids I have ever seen. To top the day off we went to the Franz Ferdinand concert.

We were really lucky as the four of us had front row seats. The boys were rocking out especially too 'Take me out' and 'This fire'. The lead singer came over and gave the boys a bit of a wink and a very big smile. Dylan thought that was pretty cool. Then at the end of the concert the drummer came over to Jackson and Dylan and gave them his drumsticks from the concert. We did however have people try to take them out of their hands, but with Wayne and I around, those sticks were not going anywhere except with us on our way home. The famous sticks are going to be mounted and framed as soon as possible.

Anyway, what a brillant day!



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