Tuesday, December 06, 2005

It's Christmas time!!!

Hi everyone, well Hong Kong has so many Christmas lights set up, you think it's day time at 10pm on the waterfront. It's really beautiful.

One of the local malls spent $4 million just on Christmas decorations. They go crazy here. Of course, I think it is just great. How's Christmas shopping going for everyone? I'M DONE!

Happy holidays and have fun shopping. xxx


At 4:26 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sam, great blog and wow have the kids grown. Great to see you online. I guess it's time the Suters put up a blog, too.

At 6:16 PM , Blogger sydneysam said...

Marty, if I can do this I expect the techie Suter's to do the same. Love to you all. xxx

At 8:37 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Sam
Surprise!!! Its Judi from Aus, love your blog site, lets try to keep in touch regularly. Ho Ho Ho
Love to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


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