Friday, November 04, 2005

Watch out Cezanne!

Hi everyone. Well yesterday I found out that I can still put a pencil to a piece of paper and a recognizable shape appeared. While living the high life in Florida I let my passion for painting and anything arty and crafty have a bit of a rest. Yesterday I started up painting again. Not one course, but two were started up again yesterday. In the morning I was learning the basic arts of Chinese painting. Then in the afternoon it was off to my oil painting class.

The only issues that I had with my progress yesterday was that when Wayne arrived home late in the evening, he looked at my practice bamboo shoots and he thought I had spent an hour of my time learning how to paint bones. He did recover this morning and said that it did look more like bamboo shoots in the light of day. The oil painting I am going to be doing is a copy of a painting of Cezanne's while he was in the French town of Annecy. How I came about picking this picture is that I opened the book at this page and realized that this was the scene that made me say many years ago that Annecy was the place that I believed was the closest place to heaven. It has to be one of my favorite places I have ever been too.

Today I spoke to my good friend in Florida......A big hi to my mate around the corner Laurie. I am really happy for you with your new job. I do miss seeing your smiling face driving past my house. Over in the other part of Lithia is my good friend Amy Little.....Boy I miss playing at lunchtime. Keep smiling, that house of yours will be up and running in no time.

Now that it is November I have to start making our Christmas lunch plans. We were all disappointed not to be going to Australia for the holiday period, but there is always next year.

On the flooded apartment front....Thanks Ed, Vince, Amy and Cris for all your help with our place. Thanks to them, it will be back up and running very soon. Good luck Cookie on your interview for the student ambassador program on Saturday. You'll be great!

Things are getting easier for me here. I'm still not completely excited about living in Hong Kong, but I feel like I am starting to get over the 6 months settling in issues. This is definitely good news for my family who are living with me.

Anyway, everybody have a great weekend. We are off to find out how high and how wide the Kowloon Shangri-la hotel is. Dylan has to make a working hotel building for his science and math project. So it's back to the dark side of town for us all.

Love you all lots and lots,

Me. x


At 9:55 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I want to see your paintings. Take a picture and post please... love you - amy


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