Saturday, October 22, 2005

I've finally made it into the BLOG world!!!

Hi all, well it is about time that I got the Webb's setup on a blog.

Here we go........

Well as most of you know we are in Hong Kong. Our house is situated on top of a very steep mountain in the middle of the national forest. We have fantastic views of the harbor, Aberdeen and the mountain trails. Our apartment is one of 880 which is built on this site. For Hong Kong standards we are very well off with space in our apartment. It has wonderful facilities and it has it's own supermarket.

I hope to make many entries on this site to keep everybody informed on our whereabouts'. I am also hoping to hear from you all as well. I promise to learn how to take pictures and put them onto the website so you can see how much the boys have grown. I will also try to take pictures of our lovely views and scenery. I am hoping to go to Beijing in a few weeks time, so that should be some great pictures to put out there for you all to see.

Keep your fingers crossed that Hurricane Wilma doesn't hit Florida. I cannot afford another flood!!!

Love to all,

Bye for now. xx


At 10:15 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome to the block. I`ll be happy to show you abut adding pics..


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