Tuesday, October 25, 2005

I'm off to the Mall!!!

Well today it is bright and sunny here in the mountains of Hong Kong. As I am new to this I hope I can work out how to enter another entry to our continuing saga of events.

Right now the only things that seems to concern me are my friends and their families in Florida. I will keep my fingers crossed that Wilma goes over and past you all with minimal damage. I know one person that won't be able to get flood insurance again if it hits in the St. Pete area.

Wayne's home, and the kids are back to school today. I am planning on exploring the Jade Markets with a new friend of mine Jane the Thursday. She is from the HSBC family as well and is with us from the UK. They are another family that will be over here in Hong Kong for the next 3 to 5 years. I can't wait to get out of this apartment and do some more exploring. Today I will be exploring the MALL!! I do believe I have some experience at that.

Hopefully, next week Wayne and I will be taking our first trip to Beijing. I can't wait to step foot onto the Great Wall and go into the Forbidden City. Which really isn't very forbidden anymore.

Till tomorrow or the next day, lot of love to you all. XXXX

P.S. Tony is going to show me how to add photos to my site. Thanks for that Tony. What would I do with out you!!!!! By the way any thoughts on Christmas lunch......


At 9:14 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not sure about Xmas lunch, but will let you know shortly.


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