Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Dylan's Crook!!

Well poor old Dylan is down for the count today. Yesterday he woke up not feeling very well, and today he has woken up with a full blown cold. Not good as he is suppose to be at school designing his version of the Hotel Shangri-La for his Science and Math project.

Jackson on the other hand wanted to stay home too as he was not a 100% today. But alas, he has had so much time away from school this year he had to go to school and grin and bear it. Poor little devil. He is going to be having a big soccer game at school today. He is the goalie for the Grade 7 inter-murals final. I hope they win!

Wayne went to try on his new suits yesterday. I couldn't believe how fast they were to get the suit mock up done. We will be able to pick up all of his new clothes on Sunday. That should be a relief for him. He only has two suits he can wear at the moment. The suits sure look great on, but boy are they expensive. I guess it has been far too long since I have had to buy any sort of up market clothes for Wayne for work.

This Saturday we are off to see Cirque de Soleil - Quidam. I can't wait. I have wanted to see any of their shows for years now. The crazy thing was that we lived less than an hour away from the permanent Cirque de Soleil show - Nobu (I think that is how it is spelt) in Florida and we never went. I think it is cheaper here as well. Anyway, that will give me plenty to write about next week.

Today the weather here is awful. It is so bad you cannot see outside the windows. I feel like we are in a mist bubble again. Oh that's right we are so high up we are in the clouds.

Anyway, happy Tuesday everyone.

Love Sam. x


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