Monday, December 12, 2005

Christmas shopping, it's FUN!!!!

Well you know when you think you've finished with all of your Christmas shopping and then one more present is needed, than another. Well that is what my day was like today, buying one more present after another. Then I arrived home and Jackson said, "mum I need another present!" Boy, I thought my head was going to explode.

Tomorrow we will be having the WTO meetings starting here in Hong Kong. So it means that it will probably be chaos on the street of Wanchai tomorrow. Who in their right mind would want to go out tomorrow and do Christmas shopping, oh yes I do of course. It's only because the boys are having their secret Santa parties at school on Wednesday.

Thursday Jackson's class is going ice skating and Dylan will be having his sports day. I'm disappointed I won't be able to see Dylan run, high jump, long jump and all that fun athletic stuff.

Oh well, here's to everybody surviving the Christmas shopping crowds. The photo that is attached is my local shopping mall over here. It's called Time Square. Not as colorful as Time Square in NYC though.


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