Sunday, February 12, 2006

Conquering Macau in one day!

Wow, what a fantastic time was had by all on our mini adventure to Macau. Wayne's dad and Sue were over to spend a few days with us. We woke up on Saturday morning thinking about were we could take them. Macau sprang to my mind as it was a place I hadn't been to. There's always a method to my madness.

Thinking that Macau was going to be Casinos and nothing else, we were all pleasantly surprised with its beauty and history. This is the first time I have seen actually carvings from the Ming Dynasty. In the Buddhist temple we visited we were nearly overpowered by incense. Buddha was definitely being cared for yesterday. His alter was full of an abundance of fruit. There was also no sign of any mosquitoes. I have now come to the conclusion that the Buddhists were the inventors of the mosquito coils that you buy in your local supermarkets.

We were treated to a wonderful tour around Macau by Wayne's Dad. It was awesome! Our tour guides name was Sam. What a coincidence. No wonder I thought he was fantastic. I feel sorry for all of our future guests, as they will definitely be dragged to Macau whether they won't to go or not. For it's hustle and bustle, Macau was a very peaceful city. I felt a bit like I was moving out of the East and landing in Las Vegas. We had a lovely dinner on the water front in Jackson's square and then we had to walk very fast to catch our hydrofoil home.

When we arrived home, all I was thinking about was that I was tired and needed to get home as quickly as possible. Unbeknownst to me, the boys and I got into a car with a relative of Richard Petty's. We were moving so fast I thought I saw sparks coming from the back of our car.

Anyway, a good day was had by all....enjoy my view in comic form of our day in Macau. Till next time...xxxxxx


At 8:08 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excellent photo set on the trip to Macau. You say more than I did, but I only went for 1 night. The family looks in good spirits...ttul.


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