Monday, May 29, 2006

My Birthday and Father's Day...What a weekend we had!

Hi all, well Friday came and went. I am now another year older, but I'm not sure about the wiser part. I was lucky enough to be able to celebrate my birthday with my good friend Miquette for a wonderful lunch. Then at night I was fortunate enough to celebrate with Wayne, Tony and Tanja. Tony spoilt me and gave me a beautiful camera for my birthday. I think I screamed a little too loud for the Aberdeen Marina Club Eau restaurant. But hey, who cares. So the photos that are being published today are from my brand new camera. The only problem is, now I have to make sure Wayne doesn't steal it from me. He sure had his eyes on it the other day.

Sunday we celebrated Father's Day a little early due to the fact that the boys and I are flying off to the USA this coming Friday. We will miss Father's Day here in Hong Kong which is celebrated around the 13th of June. The boys cooked Wayne breakfast in bed, and then we went around the computer shops looking for the stuff that I need to take back with me to Florida. Also, we needed to look for a camera for Jackson to take with him on his trip in a couple of weeks time. We were lucky to get one with a underwater case so he will be able to take photo's of the fish and coral at the Great Barrier Reef. So now we don't have to worry about a birthday present for him. We are totally covered.

Anyway, I will be talking to you all from Florida for the next 3 months. Here's to the sun, sand and surf in our immediate futures. All we have to do now is get Wayne to commit to 2 weeks vacation in July and we will be set. Any help with this would be much appreciated.

Talk to you later. xxx


At 7:55 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Sam! - The Sawin Family

At 7:21 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Sam!
Awesome pics, congrats on your new camera. Enjoy your time in sunny FL.


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