Sunday, May 21, 2006

Mother's Day meets the Big Buddah!

Well last Sunday was Mother's Day here in Hong Kong. I was awoken to find a wonderful slice of Vegemite toast being presented to me at 6.10am. Let me tell you Dylan is now the best cup of tea maker around. From there things only got better.

We went to Tony's house for brunch, then we took the train to Tung Chung so we could go out to the Big Buddah on Lantau Island. Wow what a sight it was to be driving in a cab through the mountains, then all of a sudden you see the Buddah sitting very big and still on it's own little mountain peak. I was in total awe!

When we arrived we had to go up 248 steps till we got to the bottom of the Buddah. All up, the number of stairs we climbed each way was 317. I know this because Jackson counted everyone of them when we were coming back down. It was just an unbelievable sight. It was a very spiritual experience. One that I need to do a lot more cardio training for, for our next visit. Dylan does not need anymore cardio training as he ran up and down the stairs 2 and a half times before Tony and I made it to the top. From the Buddah we went over to see how and where the Monks lived up there. We saw three fascinating monks....The first one with a cell phone, the second one with an ipod and the third monk driving the monastery's mini van. Then after all that excitement we decided or should I say Tony, Tanja and myself decided that we would walk back down the mountain. The boys were not too keen on this idea, but with my persuading of...."Hey it's Mother's Day and this is what I want to do for a change!"...the kids got into the spirit of walking as well.

When we arrived back in Tung Chung we had an excellent Mother's Day Buffet at the City Gate Plaza.

Thanks Jackson, Dylan, Tony and Tanja for giving me a wonderful Mother's Day...The only person missing was Wayne who was off working in Chicago.

Love to you all. xxx


At 11:38 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, amazing! I wish I could switch my mother's day treat for yours. I can't remember what I did but fighting with a teenager sounds about right. Love you, a


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