Friday, August 18, 2006

This is what a teenager looks like!

Well everyone, it's finally happened. We now have our very own teenager. Jackson's 13th birthday was yesterday. As long as he isn't as obnoxious as I was, then we will be just fine.

We spent the day at Ocean Park, followed by a trip to the movies to see Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Mans Chest. We've finally seen it, and now we can't wait for number 3. It was so hot at Ocean Park yesterday. Also, it had most of the population of Hong Kong visiting there as well. Jackson had a good time and that was the main thing

Next week is the start of the new school year. Monday we find out who the lucky teachers are that will be teaching them. Then the first day of school will be next Tuesday. I'm disappointed as we have had a great summer break this year.

Anyway, there is always next year!


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