Saturday, June 24, 2006

Dylan and I are on the move!

Hi All!

Tomorrow Dylan and I are off on our big road trip. First stop tomorrow night is Jacksonville, Florida. Then off to Charleston, South Carolina for 3 days. From Charleston we will make our way back down south to Savannah, Georgia. We will only get to see the sights of Savannah for a day and a half as we will have to make our way back down to St. Petersburg, Florida to pick up Jackson from his trip. Can you believe that his 20 day trip is almost up?

Oh well, I had better go and pack....AGAIN.

By the way, St. Pete is awesome. We even got to see a Devil Rays Baseball game. The biggest news is that the Devil Rays won....Yeah, Go Rays!!!!! Dylan even got a ball from the game. It was just a great night.

Talk to you after the big road trip. BYE!!!

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Jackson has finally called!

Well this is just a quick note to let everybody know that Jackson has finally called us to say know he is doing well. Unfortunately for him, he lost his voice on the airplane going over.

He says that he is very busy, very tired and just having a great time. Today he is off to discover the Barrier Reef.

On the Florida front...our outdoor furniture is finally out of the swimming pool. That's a good thing. We didn't get blown away. Actually, it was the tornadoes that were real the problem this time. Oh, what fun it is to live on the water in Florida. At least we got the rain that we needed so desperately.

Tomorrow all the good movies are coming out. The new Garfield (Dylan can't wait) and the Lake House (I can't wait). Yesterday we finally went to see the new Disney film Cars. It was fantastic! Go and see it immediately, that's if you haven't seen it already.

This Saturday, I'm going back to work. Yes, that's right...WORK! I'm going to go and work at Amy's party store all day. I've been practicing the High School Musical songs all week. I think I've got them down now. Dylan is going to be helping out as well. I think he is pretty excited about that.

Anyway, take care everyone...Love from us over here in Florida. x

Monday, June 12, 2006

Jackson made it to Oz!

Hi, I just wanted to let you all know that the waiting for Jackson's trip is over. He has safely arrived in Brisbane, Australia today. He landed at 6.15am Brisbane time. I can now get a good night's sleep as I won't be worried about him anymore.

He will be heading to Tweed Heads tonight for the next 2 days. His grandmother lives about 45 minutes away. Unfortunately he will not get to see her, but he has been told to call her as soon as he can.

For all the grandparents, Jackson has everybodies numbers and cell numbers. He will be trying to reach you all throughout the next 19 days.

As soon as I hear how his travels are going I will post it up on the blog.

For Florida news, today we had a massive tropical storm. No rain as yet, but the waves on the bay were so high they came up over the edge and bought along all the shells from the bottom of the sea with them. We had to put all of the outdoor furniture in the pool because of the strong winds. We are expecting a lot of rain tomorrow with Alberto hitting land on Tuesday. I can't believe it, as soon as we arrive the hurricanes are starting.

Anyway, lots of love to you all and I will keep everyone posted on Jackson's travels. x

Friday, June 09, 2006

We finally made it to the USA!

Hi everyone!

Well what a trip we had back to Florida. First off, we had to sit on the plane for 3 hours before we were able to take off due to a really bad lightning storm. Then, that made us miss our connection from Chicago to Tampa. So instead of arriving into Tampa at 8pm, we arrived at 12.30am the next day. Then one of our bags did not arrive with us. Of course this was the bag that I threw my really important stuff in and all of Dylan's clothes. So we were stuck at the airport dealing with that. Then to top it all off we were delayed at the car rental place. So by the time we got to the condo we had been traveling for about 26 hours.

Next at the condo we didn't have any air-conditioning. Boy, I think the storm followed us from Hong Kong.

Update....Air-conditioner fixed today....Bag was returned yesterday with all of my really important stuff gone.....But even with all of those things we are definitely glad to be in our little place in paradise on the water.

St. Pete has sure gone up market since I left a year ago. I found a fantastic Italian restaurant that I can't wait to take Wayne too. Tony, it is a restaurant that you would really like, so I can't wait to take you to it as well.

Last Tuesday night I was the guest of honor at a surprise birthday dinner. It was wonderful to catch up with my friends that I hadn't seen since last October. Thanks Amy for organizing the night. You’re the best!

This weekend Jackson will be taking off with his delegation to go to Australia and New Zealand. I know he will have a wonderful time. I also know that I will miss him terribly. I think this will be a wonderful time for him to gain a lot of self-confidence.

Anyway, I miss my friends in Hong Kong, but I am so glad to see my friends in US.

Till we meet again. x