Friday, October 13, 2006

Boy, how time sure flies when you are doing nothing!

Well I cannot believe it is nearly one month since my last note. So I thought to myself I should sit down and type something to fill the empty space on my blog site. So here goes in a nut shell what we have been up to lately:

Wayne has been traveling to all sorts of exotic places. These being Shanghai, Malaysia, Tampa and Chicago. Chicago is his current port of call. He will be back in Hong Kong from an exhausting trip this Sunday.

Jackson has started tennis lessons and is starting to make progress on getting his homework done on Friday afternoons instead of leaving it till Sunday night. This is an early Christmas miracle for us! He is still doing a great job in his Chinese painting class.

Dylan had his trumpet stolen and is not very happy to be using the old one that the school has lent us. We have to admit that we are a bit peeved that a kid at the school would do this. We have had every teacher in the school looking for it, but as yet we have not had any luck in finding it. Dylan is also improving in his Chinese painting class.

He has also taken up tennis and seems to be really enjoying it.

Me, well I have started having tennis lessons twice to three times per week. I find it very tiring and very challenging. It's definitely a great way to get all your frustrations out of your body. It doesn't hurt with the added health benefits either. So I would have to say I am really enjoying myself at the moment. I'm still doing my Chinese painting, but now I actually have a painting partner. So it's nice to not be the only one in the class for a while.

Anyway, that's all the news I have for you right now. Let's chat later, shall we.

Love ya. x


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