Saturday, December 24, 2005

Can you believe Santa is coming tonight?

Well it is about 10pm here in Hong Kong on Christmas Eve. The boys are definitely not tucked up in their beds! You could also say that I don't think they are ever planning on going to bed tonight.

I thought you might like to see a little lightshow from the buildings downtown in Central. Also, I have a shot of the penguins at Parkview. I also thought I would put in a new shot of our charlie Brown Christmas tree. It finally has lights on it.

On a totally different note, Christmas came early for the boys. We now have a new member of our family. Her name is in 'Olive the other reindeer'. Olive is a chocolate/black Scottish Fold 3 month old kitten. Darcy and Stitch are not too keen on our new arrival.

So all that's left for me to say is...MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL AND TO ALL A GOOD NIGHT. XXX

Friday, December 16, 2005

6 months tomorrow!

Can you believe that it is 6 months since we left our beautiful house in Tampa to move onto our next adventure here in Hong Kong? It is really very scary how fast time flies.

I shall recap what we have done since we moved here:

We have seen the sights of Shenzen (not my favourite). We have had two wonderful opportunities to see our friend Peter (who we haven't seen for a couple of years). The kids started at a world class school (I think they like it, well at least I hope they do). We have been put up in a very nice apartment with fantastic views (yes, this is the one I hated at first glance....boy how they cleaned it up). I have meet some very nice people while I have been here. Hopefully, I will meet hundreds more before I leave here in 2008.

Hopefully, when I write my little story about the trials and tribulations of living in Hong Kong for 12 months, I will be more settled. I guess you could say I am still homesick for the USA.

Thought I would leave you with a little photo of Hong Kong at night from my friends apartment down town.

Monday, December 12, 2005

Christmas shopping, it's FUN!!!!

Well you know when you think you've finished with all of your Christmas shopping and then one more present is needed, than another. Well that is what my day was like today, buying one more present after another. Then I arrived home and Jackson said, "mum I need another present!" Boy, I thought my head was going to explode.

Tomorrow we will be having the WTO meetings starting here in Hong Kong. So it means that it will probably be chaos on the street of Wanchai tomorrow. Who in their right mind would want to go out tomorrow and do Christmas shopping, oh yes I do of course. It's only because the boys are having their secret Santa parties at school on Wednesday.

Thursday Jackson's class is going ice skating and Dylan will be having his sports day. I'm disappointed I won't be able to see Dylan run, high jump, long jump and all that fun athletic stuff.

Oh well, here's to everybody surviving the Christmas shopping crowds. The photo that is attached is my local shopping mall over here. It's called Time Square. Not as colorful as Time Square in NYC though.

Friday, December 09, 2005

My room with a view

Thought you all might like to see what a sunset is like from one of my front windows. By the way it is starting to get really freezing here. I can hear the "get over yourself" from all of my Chicago friends! I was under the impression that it never got below 68 degrees here. How wrong was I.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

It's Christmas time!!!

Hi everyone, well Hong Kong has so many Christmas lights set up, you think it's day time at 10pm on the waterfront. It's really beautiful.

One of the local malls spent $4 million just on Christmas decorations. They go crazy here. Of course, I think it is just great. How's Christmas shopping going for everyone? I'M DONE!

Happy holidays and have fun shopping. xxx