Monday, October 31, 2005


Happy Trick or Treating tonight. Here's to getting enough candy for you all to live on till this time next year. I thought I should add a photo that I have in my collection that represents my impressions of favorite time of year. Just think around the corner is "Day after Thanksgiving Sales in the USA." Boy...Good times!!! That only means one thing...Santa is catching up to us. According to all the shops it's time to get your Christmas list started.

But for now....HAPPY HALLOWEEN. xxxx

By George I think I've got it!!!!

Hi all, I don't want any of you out there to faint....but I think I have this photo uploading thing worked out. Thanks to Wayne! Here are the photos that Leslie sent to me from our time in the UK. Boy how time changes us all. Especially in littlle boys....

Now that I think I have this photo thing handled I am off to find the Halloween pictures taken from this weekend.

Talk to you all soon,

Love Sam. xxxx

A nice surprise

Today was the annual bizarre at Parkview to raise money for the less fortunate kids of Hong Kong. It was great! There was entertainment, food stalls, and all sorts of market stalls for us to spend our money on. Of course I didn't let the side down.

Today I received an email from my dear friend Leslie....Formally from Chicago, then moved to New York, now she is living in Baltimore. I think she moves around as much as we do. She sent me two pictures that were taken of the boys when we had just moved to the UK. Boy have they changed from way back then. I think I should try and paste the photos to the website so that you can see the then and now pictures of them.

Till the next time.

Love Sam. x

Sunday, October 30, 2005

The dreaded Orthodontist!

Hi all!

Well the day has finally come when the boys have to get braces on their teeth. For Jackson this is his second attempt at a beautiful Hollywood smile and the first for Dylan. I am thinking I will have to get a loan from the bank to cover the costs. I forgot how expensive braces where. We found a great dentist who teachers Orthodontics here at the University. So in theroy she knows what she is doing. Talk to me in 2 years time and I will let you know if she knows what she is doing in practice.

Today is a big day for us....we are off to the Space museum with the boys. Yes it is a Saturday and Wayne is able to spend the day with us. So we thought we should do something family orientated. I'm really looking forward to it. It will be the first time since we moved to Hong Kong that we will be taking the boys over to the dark side. This meaning KOWLOON!!!!! I was hoping for a really nice day, but outside doesn't look to promising. We are dealing with really nasty smog at this time. But the main thing is it is getting cooler outside, in fact it is quite chilly at the moment.

Yesterday the boys had to go to school in their Halloween cosumes. Jackson was dressed up as a Dementor (with makeup) and Dylan was a skelton. They both looked awesome, if I do say so myself. All the kids on their bus thought they looked really cool. The bus driver in his chinese accent was screaming and laughing all at the same time. Jackson helped a couple of girls in his class decorate the classroom door for the Halloween parade and they won first place. So everyone in their class gets to have a dress down day on Monday. Did I tell you all that he was nominated as Class President. I asked him what were his new duties....his reply, "I look after the bake sales!". Not only did he get them the first place on the door prize, but he is also looking out for his classmates welfare by making sure they have enough cakes to get them through the day.

Tonight is our first night ever of Trick or Treating in Hong Kong. They are expecting thousands of kids to come and ask for candy. One of my neighbours told me that last year she went through 10 pounds of candy in 15 minutes. Last year in Florida it was taking us 8 months to get through 6 pounds of candy. I think I will dress up in my Sally costume to scare the kids a little bit. I'm sure I will be one of the few parents to dress up tonight. I promise to take photos and put them onto my next update.

Anyway enough from me.

Till we meet again.


Tuesday, October 25, 2005

I'm off to the Mall!!!

Well today it is bright and sunny here in the mountains of Hong Kong. As I am new to this I hope I can work out how to enter another entry to our continuing saga of events.

Right now the only things that seems to concern me are my friends and their families in Florida. I will keep my fingers crossed that Wilma goes over and past you all with minimal damage. I know one person that won't be able to get flood insurance again if it hits in the St. Pete area.

Wayne's home, and the kids are back to school today. I am planning on exploring the Jade Markets with a new friend of mine Jane the Thursday. She is from the HSBC family as well and is with us from the UK. They are another family that will be over here in Hong Kong for the next 3 to 5 years. I can't wait to get out of this apartment and do some more exploring. Today I will be exploring the MALL!! I do believe I have some experience at that.

Hopefully, next week Wayne and I will be taking our first trip to Beijing. I can't wait to step foot onto the Great Wall and go into the Forbidden City. Which really isn't very forbidden anymore.

Till tomorrow or the next day, lot of love to you all. XXXX

P.S. Tony is going to show me how to add photos to my site. Thanks for that Tony. What would I do with out you!!!!! By the way any thoughts on Christmas lunch......

Saturday, October 22, 2005

I've finally made it into the BLOG world!!!

Hi all, well it is about time that I got the Webb's setup on a blog.

Here we go........

Well as most of you know we are in Hong Kong. Our house is situated on top of a very steep mountain in the middle of the national forest. We have fantastic views of the harbor, Aberdeen and the mountain trails. Our apartment is one of 880 which is built on this site. For Hong Kong standards we are very well off with space in our apartment. It has wonderful facilities and it has it's own supermarket.

I hope to make many entries on this site to keep everybody informed on our whereabouts'. I am also hoping to hear from you all as well. I promise to learn how to take pictures and put them onto the website so you can see how much the boys have grown. I will also try to take pictures of our lovely views and scenery. I am hoping to go to Beijing in a few weeks time, so that should be some great pictures to put out there for you all to see.

Keep your fingers crossed that Hurricane Wilma doesn't hit Florida. I cannot afford another flood!!!

Love to all,

Bye for now. xx