Sunday, April 30, 2006

The Big 4-0 day has finally arrived!

Wayne's birthday finally has come and gone. What a crazy few weeks we have just had.

First off as you know we had Wayne's birthday bash at HSBC main building on the 41st floor. Then yesterday (his actual birthday 04/29/06) we went to Ocean Park through the day and Soho at night.

Lets start with Ocean Park....This was our first time to the park since we moved to Hong Kong 10 months ago. It was great. You know us, by the end of the day we had applied for our yearly passes. Does this ring any bells to our time in Tampa..say Disney passes! We didn't get to do or see everything, but we made sure we went to see the Pandas. They were a lot smaller than I thought they would be. Also not as white as they seem on the TV. The kids enjoyed the rides and we all enjoyed the cablecar. That was worth the admission price on it's own. It truly made me have a good look at Hong Kong and see how beautiful it really is.

For Wayne's night time celebrations we went to Soho to this little restaurant that is set in somebody's home. It was an experience we will never forget. I also got to meet and make some great new friends.

Till next time....x

Max and Kris Arrive..

Well I have to say that Wayne was rather surprised to see his mum and his Aunty Kris at the airport here in Hong Kong the other night. I thought it would be nice for Wayne to have his family here for his 40th birthday celebrations.


Beautiful Stranger!

Well what a night. Lights, music and the great Jim Kerr, Charlie Burchill, Mel Gaynor and the rest of the Simple Minds crew. They rocked! Unfortunately for me, I only got to use my second row centre tickets for the last 3 songs. Jackson's plane from Shanghai arrived 3 hours late into Hong Kong. Oh well, let's hope they tour again in whatever country we move to.

Enjoy the photos. xxx

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Wayne's Big 4-0 Birthday Bash!

Well can you believe that Wayne has finally made it to the big 4-0!

What a night we all had. The dinner took place on the 41st floor of the HSBC Main Building here in Hong Kong. It was wonderful to see and meet so many nice people that Wayne works with. It was an eclectic bunch of people. We had the Cricketers, the Managers, the Bosses and the Tourists. The meal was a magnificent buffet with the light show of Hong Kong going on behind us. Actually, I think we were part of the light show. It was just magical.

My dad and Loretta have been spending some time with us. They came especially for the big event. Alas, the time has come for them to say goodbye. Dad made promises of a return visit to see the Rugby 7’s here next year. Let’s see if he makes it over again. We can only hope he does.

Till the next main advent on the calendar…


Sunday, April 02, 2006

Chairman's convention - Phuket

Wow, Phuket was absolutely beautiful. We were fortunate enough to have a weeks holiday with all sorts of activities on HSBC. Wayne was nominated and won a spot to be in the top 120 achievers in HSBC from around the world. With this, HSBC paid our airfares, our hotel, our excursions, food and beverages for 6 days. They even paid for our departure taxes when we left the airport. I was told that the week cost the company $2,000,000.00USD.

We went elephant trekking, swimming with elephants, a couple of trips to the Spa (for massages and facials), Golf, Thai cooking classes (yes Dad, I have proof that I was actually cooking) and sightseeing trips which included snorkeling around the reefs. It was absolutely fabulous. I thought I would share a few photos with you. There is even a photo there of Wayne and Sir John Bond.

The best part of the week was meeting some great people. A big hi to all off our new friends from around the world. I got known as the "Sydneysider". People just didn't know which category to put us into as we have moved around so much. We did get to meet all of the important people and I didn't get myself into too much trouble.

To cap the week off on Saturday night we had a wonderful Black Tie Gala Dinner. Great food, great wine, great dancing and entertainment was had by all.

Till next time......

Cricket 6's

Well hi everyone! I know it has been a long time coming but here it is....Wayne playing cricket at the Kowloon Cricket Club in the Hong Kong Cricket 6's competition. A great time was had by all. They fed us and quenched our thirsts all weekend. Then late on Sunday night they had the presentations and a dinner gala. It was fantastic!

Wayne had a very good couple of days out there on the cricket pitch. In one over he bowled a guy and then participated in 2 run outs. He was even scouted by the Kowloon Cricket Club to come and play for them. He is looking into that as we speak. I think it will be good for him, and also good for us. He will have to stay in town more often if he is on a team......So you can gather I am all for him playing with the KCC.