Thursday, February 23, 2006

Pull Up Stumps!

Wayne played a game of cricket the other day with the HSBC Hong Kong Bank team against the Hong Kong University team. He did well, he got 20 runs in 4 balls. Unfortunately a few balls later and he was out for 21. At the end of the day, a good time was had by all.

Next week he is back with the bank side to play against the Swire Coporation team. He's a little worried as they have a lot of Australian players on their side, and you all know how much Australians like to win at cricket. Can't wait to find out how things go down.

Sam. x

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Franz Ferdinand Rocked on Valentine's Day!

Well today was Valentine's Day. Boy did I get spoilt with the most beautiful orchids I have ever seen. To top the day off we went to the Franz Ferdinand concert.

We were really lucky as the four of us had front row seats. The boys were rocking out especially too 'Take me out' and 'This fire'. The lead singer came over and gave the boys a bit of a wink and a very big smile. Dylan thought that was pretty cool. Then at the end of the concert the drummer came over to Jackson and Dylan and gave them his drumsticks from the concert. We did however have people try to take them out of their hands, but with Wayne and I around, those sticks were not going anywhere except with us on our way home. The famous sticks are going to be mounted and framed as soon as possible.

Anyway, what a brillant day!


Sunday, February 12, 2006

Conquering Macau in one day!

Wow, what a fantastic time was had by all on our mini adventure to Macau. Wayne's dad and Sue were over to spend a few days with us. We woke up on Saturday morning thinking about were we could take them. Macau sprang to my mind as it was a place I hadn't been to. There's always a method to my madness.

Thinking that Macau was going to be Casinos and nothing else, we were all pleasantly surprised with its beauty and history. This is the first time I have seen actually carvings from the Ming Dynasty. In the Buddhist temple we visited we were nearly overpowered by incense. Buddha was definitely being cared for yesterday. His alter was full of an abundance of fruit. There was also no sign of any mosquitoes. I have now come to the conclusion that the Buddhists were the inventors of the mosquito coils that you buy in your local supermarkets.

We were treated to a wonderful tour around Macau by Wayne's Dad. It was awesome! Our tour guides name was Sam. What a coincidence. No wonder I thought he was fantastic. I feel sorry for all of our future guests, as they will definitely be dragged to Macau whether they won't to go or not. For it's hustle and bustle, Macau was a very peaceful city. I felt a bit like I was moving out of the East and landing in Las Vegas. We had a lovely dinner on the water front in Jackson's square and then we had to walk very fast to catch our hydrofoil home.

When we arrived home, all I was thinking about was that I was tired and needed to get home as quickly as possible. Unbeknownst to me, the boys and I got into a car with a relative of Richard Petty's. We were moving so fast I thought I saw sparks coming from the back of our car.

Anyway, a good day was had by all....enjoy my view in comic form of our day in Macau. Till next time...xxxxxx

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Parkview to the Peak...or bust!

We did it! We really did it. We made it walking from Parkview to the Peak Galleria. Boy are we excited about it. We never thought we could physically do it, but I guess the walking every other day has really paid off. The boys were real troopers. They are the best walking partners a girl could ever have. Attached is a photo from the peak. Thought you all might like it. Bye. xx

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Kung Hei Fat Choi

Happy Chinese New Year everyone.

Wayne is currently in the USA so the boys and I decided to go and stay downtown (15 minutes away) for 2 days to have some fun. We had a birds eye view of the New Year Parade and the wonderful fireworks display. We enjoyed our little holiday so much, if we are still here next year we are going to do the exact same thing again.

The week before Chinese New Year we went and stayed at the Chairman's holiday house in Shek-O. We had the best time. It was wonderful too see the kids out exploring and running around. It's definitely been way too long. The house is situated only a quick 5 minute walk to a very pretty beach here in Hong Kong. Hopefully, you will be able to see how beautiful the place is from the pictures I have attached.

The boys and I have started walking all over the place. Today we walked from Parkview to the Police Museum which is situated up near the Peak. We will make it to the Peak before we leave. In fact Dylan and I want to get it done and dusted before to long.

Anyway everybody, till next time...... xxx