Wednesday, March 15, 2006

A Quick Note!

Just a quick note for this week. Jackson and I have been sick with the lurgy. So as you can imagine not a happy or hygenic home this past week.

But on a good note, Dylan was awesome at Ice Hockey last night. He might not be the next Wayne Gretzy, but at least we know that he is a true Canadian with hockey running through his veins. He skated on one foot from one end of the rink to the other last night. He was on fire. I just wish I had Wayne's camera with me so I could have got some shots of him. Maybe that is something I should ask my family for for my birthday this year...a camera of my very own. Especially if I am going to keep updating this blog. Good arguement don't you think?

Jackson is back to school tomorrow and I am off to my painting class.

We are counting down to Phuket....7 sleeps to go!

Love to you all.


Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Finally, no parking fees on a Tuesday!

Well finally we do not have to pay parking fees at the AMC while the kids are playing ice hockey. We finally received our membership cards and are now legal when we are there. It's so nice to just be able to buy a hot cup of coffee and enjoy it while watching the boys skate around on the ice for an hour. We also were able to try the Thai resturant out there on Sunday night with our friends Andy and Ashley. Thanks for a great night. See you at the American Club.....

Today, much to my amazement I drove to the border so I could go to Shenzen. It didn't take us very long to get there. It was so simple it was ridiculous, and it only took 45 minutes to get there from our house. It seemed to take forever by train the last time we went.

Well I got some good deals on fabrics. I am finally getting some clothes made before I go to Phuket in 3 weeks time.

I am really looking forward to Phuket. I am especially looking forward to the Elephant trekking tour. I am also looking forward to going to the Banyan Tree Spa for my facial. I think we are also being taken out to the island that they filmed 'Man without a Gun' or something like that. I am sure I have gotten the name of the movie wrong. You know it is one of those James Bond films that I have never watched. We are also going on a tour around the town. I think we only have one day where work is not planning something for us. I just can't wait. My passport is ready and waiting to be used.

Anyway, till next time...Bye for now.

P.S. I hope to have some new photos for my next note.
P.P.S.S. Tony great game of squash last night. x