Friday, August 18, 2006

This is what a teenager looks like!

Well everyone, it's finally happened. We now have our very own teenager. Jackson's 13th birthday was yesterday. As long as he isn't as obnoxious as I was, then we will be just fine.

We spent the day at Ocean Park, followed by a trip to the movies to see Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Mans Chest. We've finally seen it, and now we can't wait for number 3. It was so hot at Ocean Park yesterday. Also, it had most of the population of Hong Kong visiting there as well. Jackson had a good time and that was the main thing

Next week is the start of the new school year. Monday we find out who the lucky teachers are that will be teaching them. Then the first day of school will be next Tuesday. I'm disappointed as we have had a great summer break this year.

Anyway, there is always next year!

Friday, August 11, 2006

We're back!

Hi all from our little place up here in the clouds. Yes, we have finally arrived back in Hong Kong for an exciting new year. It was really wonderful to see Wayne at the airport waiting for us. I guess you could say the 3 of us really missed him. It was also wonderful to see our 3 cats waiting for us at home. Not to mention...Veronica! She was definitely a sight for sore eyes. I have to admit that Hong Kong has made me a little lazy that way, but to shock you all (especially you Dad) I did not mind doing the household chores while I was over in the States. It made me realize how lucky I have it in Hong Kong.

The day after we arrived home our friends from the UK arrived for a short stopover on their way to Australia. It's been 2 years since the boys and I were lucky enough to spend time with the Robertson's. You know when you meet people and you think that you will definitely be connected to them for the rest of your life.....Well that is how I feel about the Robertson family.

Speaking of other family members that I had missed.....It was wonderful to see Tony last night. He was able to come and have dinner with us all at the Chinese restaurant here at Parkview. A good night was had by all. He looked fantastic. This is another person I truly missed while I was hanging out in the old USA.

Well guess where in the world Wayne is right now.....He's over conquering Japan! He will be back next Monday and then he will be having a week off with us. We can't wait! I don't have much of a 'Honey-Do-List' at the moment, so I will have to start thinking of some projects that need looking at. Maybe we can just go and hang out at Shek-O for a day and do some sightseeing with the boys.

Also, coming up this week...I will be the proud parent of a teenager! Yes, Jackson will be turning 13 on the 17th of August. I can't believe it. He really is the most wonderful kid in the world. I just love him to pieces. I'm not saying that we haven't had our moments, because we have had some big bust-ups, but all in all he's just wonderful. We are all going to go and see Pirates of the Caribbean together. We waited to go and see it with Wayne when we got home. It was hard as Taylor (Anna's daughter) went and saw the movie 9 times while we were staying with them at their house.

Dylan is doing really well....Another wonderful kid if I do say so myself! I think he is getting himself ready for another year of school. You can never tell with him, he is just your cool kid, doesn't get too bothered with anything really. I wish I had his personality.

Anyway, I am working on getting another camera. I am hoping the airline will compensate me for my lost. Everybody keep your fingers crossed for me.

Lots of love to you all,

We missed and miss you all.