Sunday, July 30, 2006

60 days and counting!

Hi all,

sorry for my absence but we have just been having a crazy and fun time here in the Mid-West.

We arrived into Chicago a couple of weeks ago to then leave and go on our Wisconsin trip. Lake Geneva was excellent. I would recommend a holiday to the Timber Ridge Lodge to anyone that has a passion for indoor water parks. The Timber Ridge is part of the Grand Geneva Resort and Spa and just a little bit of trivia....The Grand Geneva is the old Playboy Club. Yes there is still a bunny picture in the hallway.

While in Lake Geneva we went to see Keith Urban at Country Thunder. Let me tell you that was surely an eye opening event. On the same night Carrie Underwood and Leeanne Rimes performed as well as Keith. Let me tell you Keith was awesome. I can't wait to see him again. Unfortunately it started to pour down with rain so we had to leave Keith earlier than we wanted too.

Back here in Chicago has felt like I have come home. You know I am very fortunate to have two places over here in the US where I feel so comfortable. Algonquin IL is no different. We have been blessed to be able to stay with our wonderful friends Anna, her husband George and their two daughters Taylor and Emma. They always show us wonderful hospitality and for that I am truly grateful.

While in Algonquin, we have been made honorary members of St. Johns School and Church. This gave us the opportunity to help represent them in the Founder's Day parade. We were on float number 65 and there were so many more floats after us I couldn't count them all. The only problem on the day was the blazing temperature of 104 degrees. It was fun to see the shocked faces of people that I knew who were not intending to see us in the parade.

From the parade we went to the Founder's Day after party. This was held in the big park in Algonquin. Because it was so hot, many beers were had by all. Then it was home to sit in the pool in freezing cold water to cool down.

This week is all about trying to catch up with old friends before we head back to Hong Kong next Saturday. I am hoping to see Michael and Joan, Jen (again) and Marianne and lantz (if we can ever catch each other on the phone). Tomorrow night we will be having a meal with Tom, Maripat, Molly and Jenna. I am really looking forward to that.

Also, this week is all about packing!!!! We came and conquered. We arrived 60 days ago with 3 bags, now we will be leaving with 6 large bags. I am not really sure how we will get them and us all into our car, but I am sure Wayne will find a way. If not, some of the luggage will be accompanying me on the airport express and then a cab back to Parkview.

I know this will come as a shock to everyone, but I am really ready to come back to Hong Kong for my 2nd term. We have been away for so long now that I am really ready too see what this year has in store for all of us. Hopefully, it will be better than the last. I know I am coming home with a very positive attitude about living away from my friends and from the slower paced lifestyle that I love here in the US.

Thinking about this year we have a lot in store for us. This would be possible trips back to the US for different events. First off my friend Amy will be 35 in September. She is having a big blowout party for that.....Just waiting for the invite Amy.....Then in October my friend Joe is getting married in the Mid-West. It also happens to be on Anna's birthday, so I would get to celebrate both events at the same time. Then at Christmas we will be off to see family and friends in Australia. It is hard for me to believe that I have not been home to Australia since 2002. Gosh, time sure does get away with you. Since then we have moved from London back to Chicago, then moved to Tampa, then moved onto Hong Kong. I guess you could say we have kept ourselves very busy with all these new adventures that we have undertaken.

Anyway, lots of love to you all and I will write again once we are back in Hong Kong.

P.S. Thanks again to all our friends who have looked after us so well here in Chicago and of course in Florida.


Thursday, July 13, 2006


I forgot to say that Jackson has arrived back from his adventure to Australia and New Zealand with everything intact. He had a fantastic time and wants to experience somewhere different next year....We shall have to see about that one.

Also, we went to see another Devil Rays Game. This time the Rays beat the Yankees in a nail biter. The score was 6 - 5. Definitely, if we move back to these parts here in Saint Pete, more Rays games are in our future.


It's nearly over!

Well our time is nearly up for the first part of our trip to conquer the USA. We will be leaving these fine parts of Florida this weekend. We are all very sad as it is one of the coolest places in the world to just hang out, shop and have fun.

Since I last wrote to you all we have been to Savannah, GA and Charleston, SC. Two of the most coolest places in the world. Charleston has some of the most beautiful homes in the world and Savannah has some of the best ghosts and pirates. I have hinted that Charleston would be a great place to live. It has everything going for it. Sea views, markets and great ghost tours. Everything a home town should have to make you feel comfortable.

St. Pete once again has given us such joy. The weather has been awesome and the people we have met have been amazing. Also, for the first time there have been kids the boys ages to play with here. That's great as their parents own a condo here. We shall definitely run into them again at some point in time.

We have also been fortunate enough to have our good friends from Toronto join us here in the Sunshine State. They will be off tomorrow to see the sights of Disney. Then they will be driving back to Toronto in 2 days.

From Saturday we will be spending some time in Chicago with Anna, George, Taylor and Emma. We will be going with them up to Lake Geneva for a few days and this is were we will be going to see Keith Urban in concert. We will definitely be searching for a Nicole Kidman sighting.

Anyway, lots of love to you all.

Bye. xxx